How Does Satellite Internet Work?

Satellite internet is a type of connection that uses a satellite to get an cyberspace signal from your isp (Internet service provider) to y'all.

Hither'due south how it works: your provider sends a cobweb internet signal to a satellite in infinite. The internet bespeak then comes to you and is captured by your satellite dish. Your dish is continued to your modem, which connects your computer to the cyberspace betoken. The process reverses back to your provider, and at that place you accept it.

At present before we become too thick into the weeds, here's more information about satellite net, including resources on which providers are the most reliable.

Find Satellite Internet providers in your area

What are the all-time satellite internet providers?

In that location are only two satellite net providers: Viasat (formerly Exede internet) and HughesNet. In our comparison, we talked most why nosotros recall Viasat is the best satellite internet provider for most people. To sum information technology upward: you'll go faster speeds, more information, and a amend price in most cases. Nosotros exercise recall that HughesNet has better prices for those who don't demand a lot of speed.

Starlink is launching its own satellites and will exist offering internet plans in the future. We have high hopes for improved speeds and prices, but for now, we tin can only speculate.

Viasat vs. HughesNet comparison


Monthly price

Download speeds

Data cap

Learn more

Viasat Internet $30 $169.99 12 100 Mbps 12 150 GB
HughesNet Internet $64.99 $159.99 25 Mbps 15 75 GB

How does satellite internet speed compare to other internet speeds?

Overall, satellite internet has come a long way over the years). Y'all tin can  find satellite net plans reaching upwards of 100 Mbps. Having faster cyberspace can actually assist for watching videos, streaming Netflix, gaming, and supporting an entire household of internet users.

Only note that satellite cyberspace is discipline to high latency, and so the speeds aren't ever what they seem. Other internet types use better infrastructures to become you more reliable speeds, simply they might non exist available in your expanse. We say, if you live in a rural area, it's still worth getting—especially if it'south your only choice.

DSL internet tin can be slower than satellite internet. Depending on the provider you use, DSL ranges anywhere from 5 Mbps to 100 Mbps. If y'all have access to a DSL provider with modern tech, we think you'll have a improve feel with DSL. Simply if you can get merely slower, older DSL options, yous'll desire to consider satellite internet instead.

Cable internet is faster and often cheaper than satellite cyberspace. Virtually cable internet services range between 20 and 1,000 Mbps. But if y'all live in the countryside, information technology may not be an option for yous.

If yous take admission to cobweb net, don't bother considering satellite. You lot'll discover better speeds and prices from fiber providers.

What should I be aware of when choosing my satellite net plan?

Like with any type of internet, you'll desire to determine what speeds you need and your budget. While it's tempting to become the fastest programme, you lot don't need to overpay for speeds y'all won't actually employ.

Picking a satellite internet plan should be based on what activities y'all and everyone else in the habitation plan on doing. Slower speeds volition piece of work for spider web browsing and email checking, just for streaming Idiot box like Netflix, y'all'll want faster speeds. But heads upward: satellite internet might not have the speeds you demand to stream in 4K or Hd.

Don't forget that satellite internet comes with information caps. Unlike some cable and fiber plans, satellite net doesn't commonly come up with unlimited data. So once y'all hit a certain amount of information, your internet provider could start charging an overage fee, or information technology might throttle your speed. It'south but good to keep your data cap in heed when searching for a satellite internet plan that'due south best for you.

What kind of equipment comes with satellite internet?

An illustration showing how data is sent from a home, to a satellite, then to a satellite ISP and back

If yous're because switching to satellite internet, then your provider volition use specific equipment. Most satellite internet now only comes with a modem, wireless router, and a network cable. Where most satellite internet came with larger equipment in the past, many providers have smaller, more compact equipment at present. Some providers utilize a dish so that the bespeak tin reach easier, although that's not equally mutual anymore.

  • Satellite modem: The electronic device that converts the satellites signal into one readable by your computer'south network adapter. Information technology's what brings the cyberspace to your reckoner.
  • Router: The electronic device that takes your modem'south internet signal and distributes it throughout your home, either past Wi-Fi or past Ethernet cablevision.

Satellite cyberspace myths and facts

Myth one: Satellite internet is likewise slow

Satellite internet now has speeds up to 100 Mbps if you go with Viasat, and speeds of 25 Mbps if you go with HughesNet. That'southward pretty fast if you consider virtually cablevision and DSL internet plans offer similar speeds.

Satellite internet used to be extremely slow, with download speeds of approximately 750 Kbps. Just advancements in technology and new satellites have increased speeds. HughesNet also hopes to boost its speeds up to 100 Mbps in the nigh future. Thank goodness.

Myth two: It takes a long time to receive a indicate

You lot likely won't notice any divergence in how chop-chop y'all can do things online with satellite versus how quickly you could practise them with cable or DSL. Unless you're gaming, satellite's high latency likely won't affect you.

Latency is the time it takes for data to be sent and received. In the case of satellite cyberspace, it's the time information technology takes for information to go from your device to your satellite dish, to your provider's orbiting satellite, to a dissever satellite dish at your Internet service provider, and back once again.

As you can see, that'due south a lot of steps. And latency has long been a strike against satellite net.

Latency is higher with satellite internet than it is for cable, DSL, and fiber net. Cable, DSL, and cobweb internet have latency in the 20–50 millisecond (ms) range, while satellite internet ranges can exist close to 600 ms.

Because satellites are positioned 22,000 miles higher up the earth, satellite internet information but has a long way to travel. It's also why we basically never recommend satellite internet over other types similar cable. But if y'all alive in the state or an area without amend net options, satellite might be your best (and sometimes only) choice.

The almost obvious effect of latency is on gaming. Gaming that requires ultra-quick responses, like first-person shooters (FPS), just doesn't work very well with satellite internet. If yous cull satellite internet, you might have to say farewell to League of Legends.

Just other online activities, like web browsing, emailing, and photo sharing, won't be afflicted past latency much at all.

Myth 3: Satellite internet doesn't work when it'south cloudy, rainy, or stormy

While it's true that severe thunderstorms, heavy snowfall, or blizzards can interrupt satellite manual temporarily, the trouble isn't as significant as some might lead you to think.

Storm-related interruptions are normally called "pelting fade," and the point is restored equally before long as the storm passes. Y'all tin as well remove heavy accumulations of snow from effectually the satellite dish to restore communications.

In contrast, a heavy thunderstorm with fallen trees or other farthermost weather condition with similar furnishings could disable cable or DSL for days. Again, most satellite internet customers live in rural areas without admission to DSL or cablevision, so even with rain fade, satellite internet is preferable to culling, slower ways of cyberspace service (like dial-up net).

Myth 4: Satellite internet is also expensive

Compared to DSL, cable, and fiber net, satellite is relatively expensive. Only its monthly costs have decreased over the years, making it a somewhat more affordable option. (Especially if y'all take no other internet providers to choose from.)

Nowadays, yous can get a Viasat internet plan starting at $xxx a month, or a HughesNet plan starting at $64.99 a month.

Now that you know, here are your next steps.

Enter your Zippo code to see providers available in your surface area.

Larn more about your satellite options.

Chyelle Dvorak

Written by

Chyelle Dvorak

Chyelle works every bit a freelance writer for The Daily Beast and edited articles for Forbes,, Fox News and other review sites. Chyelle tests, writes, and researches products and services related to internet consumption. She institute her passion for public speaking and writing in her childhood when she won the Vocalism of Democracy speech communication and essay competition. Chyelle has a degree in International Relations from Crown Higher, Minnesota. Outside of work, Chyelle loves to spend time reading, kayaking, and running.

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